Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Feedback, Please!

Happy Thursday!

Today I need YOUR help. Would you be so kind?

I need some feedback from ya'll( I know, I know...I'm a So Cal girl. What on earth am I saying "ya'll" for? It just slips out sometimes and I happen to crack up every time, so I have to leave it)

Please post a comment to this journal entry with your answer to the following two questions. If you don't want me to post your answers, please let me know in your comment. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!

1. What is more important FOR YOU when selecting a photo session package?

A. The amount of prints included
B. The amount of digital negatives included
C. A combination of both

2. In terms of photo sessions and portrait packages, what is your preference?

A. An all inclusive package that is one price and includes the session fee and an amount of prints and/or digital negatives

B. Photo sessions and portrait packages sold separately

THANK YOU!! I SO APPRECIATE your responses, so PLEASE leave them!

Have a fun Halloween!

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